ARION has an irreversible blockage of postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptros lead to the hyperxcitation of the nerves. Hyperexcitation followed by convulsions and eventual paralysis of the insects. This result in the death of insects. ARION belongs to the neonicotinoid & pyrethroid group insecticides.
Crop: Cotton, Maize, Groundnut, Soybean, Chilli, Tea, Tomato.
Insect Pests: Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Bollworm, Shootfly, Stem borers, Leaf hoppers, Leaf eating caterpillars, Semilooper, Gridle beetle, Tea mosquito bug, Whitefly, Fruit borer.
Dosage: Mix 60-80ml in 150-200ml of water and spray it over one acre of the field.
Pickup Address: Rajkot, GUJARAT, 360002
Plot No. 8/A, S.I.D.C. Road, Veraval, Rajkot, Gujarat 360002
Address of origin: Plot No. 8/A, S.I.D.C. Road, Veraval, Rajkot, Gujarat 360002