Nutrient is designed as a preventive foliar product being part of a complete fertilizer plan. The Nutrivant range comprises fully soluble formulations that contain both macro, meso, and micro-nutrients and a specially designated trace mix for every crop’s need. All Nutrient products contain an advanced adjuvant called FertiVant. The FertiVant technology improves the efficiency of Nutrivant. Nutrivant requires a lower volume of spray for application, reducing the nutrient cost per hectare. It can be easily tank-mixed with a large number of plant protection products. Foliar feeds from Nutrivant fit into all fertilization programs and are chloride-free and fully soluble.
Ingredients: Nitrogen:08, Phosphorus:16, Potassium:39
Recommended for Fruits, Vegetables, Commercial crops, etc.
Increase flowering and fruiting.
Reduce flower dropping and increase disease resistance.
Increase nutrient use efficiency and uptake
Directions: Application at flowering and flower setting stage. Avoid spraying in periods of unfavorable conditions (e.g. bright sunlight, high midday temperatures, high evaporation periods). Can be mixed with many fungicides/insecticides. (Please check the compatibility)
For Best results spray in the Early morning and late afternoon.
Dosage: Drenching 2 to 2.5 Kg Per 200 lit water.
Pickup AddressBINDKI, UTTAR PRADESH, 212635
106, Durga Chambers, 1335, D.B. Gupta Road, Karol Bagh New Delhi DL 110005 IN.
Address of origin106, Durga Chambers, 1335, D.B. Gupta Road, Karol Bagh New Delhi DL 110005 IN.
Nutrient is designed as a preventive foliar product being part of a complete fertilizer plan. The Nutrivant range comprises fully soluble formulations that contain both macro, meso, and micro-nutrients and a specially designated trace mix for every crop’s need. All Nutrient products contain an advanced adjuvant called FertiVant. The FertiVant technology improves the efficiency of Nutrivant. Nutrivant requires a lower volume of spray for application, reducing the nutrient cost per hectare. It can be easily tank-mixed with a large number of plant protection products. Foliar feeds from Nutrivant fit into all fertilization programs and are chloride-free and fully soluble.