Mode Of Action:-
A special defensive mechanism improves the Immune system of the plant and some of the antimicrobial properties suppress and inhibit the pathogen population and multiplication.
Cureal Stops the Spreading from an infected plant to healthy plants.
High antioxidant power and enhances natural protection against pathogens, with the help of Specially made Alkaloids which we derive from Essential oils.
Benefits and Advantages:-
1. Eco-friendly Zinc Based.
2. 100% Herbal Extract No Synthetic chemical &pesticide.
3. Compatible with all chemicals & pesticides.
4. Nontoxic and Environmental friendly.
5. No residuals. Best IPM Practices
6. Very Economical price and multifunctional
7. Low Working Dose 2-2.5ml per Ltr of water
8. No chemical Toxicity and no side effects no Leaf burning etc.
CUREAL is Highly Effective and Controls the Following Diseases:-
1. Alternaria Leaf Spot,
2. Septoria Leaf Spot .
3. Cercospora Leaf Spot.
4. Stemphylium Leaf Spot.
5. Anthracnose and ripe Fruit Rot.
6. Stemphylium Blight.
7. Bacterial Blight,
8. Phytophthora,
9. Coriander Stem Gall,
10. Carrot cavity spot
11. Damping-off.
Dosage :-
Foliar Spray :- 2-2.5 ml per Ltr of water every 7 days 3 sprays.
Drip:- 1 Ltr per Acre
Suitable for all Vegetable crops like Tomato, Chilli, Potato,Cabbage,Carrot Leafy Vegetables and Leafy Cucurbit family Ridge gourds, Bitter gourd,Bottle gourd, Sponge and Melons etc..
Horticulture crops:-Pomegranate Mango, Papaya Citrus, Banana, Dragon Fruits erc..
Commercial Crops :-Paddy,Pulses Maize,Turmeric,etc…
Flower Crops :-Rose, chrysanthemum ,Marigold, Jasmine,Lilli etc..