Oxyveg 1L + Aayush 1L
Aayush works as an antiffeedant & repellent whereas Oxyveg is a mixture of beneficial micro-organisms that is useful in organic farming.
Mode of action against insects, mites & thrips includes repellent, antifeedent deterrence, inhibition of molting and respiration, reduction in growth, reproduction, and cuticle disruption.
Crop: Cotton and Chilli
Dosage: Oxyveg 2.5 ml per 1 ltr of water + Aayush 2.5 ml per 1 ltr of water
Pickup Address: Rajkot, GUJARAT, 360001
SY.NO. 255, PLOT NO.3, EAST PART, KUNTLOOR (V), HAYATHNAGAR, R.R. DIST., Hyderabad, Telangana 501505
Address of origin: SY.NO. 255, PLOT NO.3, EAST PART, KUNTLOOR (V), HAYATHNAGAR, R.R. DIST., Hyderabad, Telangana 501505