Mode of Action: Clodexo is a selective post-emergence broad-spectrum herbicide with excellent action on phalaris minor.
Benefits: The best results are obtained by applying Clodexo when the majority of the grass weeds have emerged and are actively growing. Maachis is taken up through leaves of grass weeds. Active growth of susceptible grasses ceases within 48 hours after application. Decay of nodes and growing points are visible with young leaves showing chlorosis followed bynecrosis.
Suggested Use: Clodexo is recommended for postemergence application which is about 30-35 days after sowing of wheat crop. (When phalaris minor is 3-4 leaf stage).
Mixing Directly Into The Knapsack Sprayer: Fill the knapsack tank 1/3 to 1/2 full of clean water and add the water-soluble bag of Maachis. Gently stir the water-soluble bag till its contents fully dissolve and then add the rest of the water to the tank.
Dosage: 160 gm per acre
Pickup AddressBathinda, PUNJAB, 151103
406 to 409, Salcon Aurum,District Centre, Jasola,New Delhi 110025
Address of origin406 to 409, Salcon Aurum,District Centre, Jasola,New Delhi 110025