Bio Cure-F is a biological fungicide based on a beneficial antagonistic fungus, Trichoderma viride. The product contains the conidial spore and the mycelial fragments at 2 x 106 CFU’s/gm and /ml of product.
1.15% WP AND 1.50% LF
- Bio Cure-F is an eco-friendly and non-toxic product. It is safe for the beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere. It increases resistance in the plant system against diseases. It does not create resistance, resurgence or residue problem and is an ‘organic certified’ product.
Mode of Action:
- Bio Cure-F can control pathogens through different modes of action.
Substrate competition:
- Bio Cure-F controls pathogens by creating competition for substrate and nutrients.
- It grows fast and coils around the pathogen then penetrate through it and takes the nutrients from the pathogen. The pathogen eventually dies and is finally eliminated from the field.
- It offers a long-lasting control against the pathogen by secreting secondary metabolites which exhibit an antibiosis effect on the pathogen.
Crops Recommended and Diseases controlled
- Groundnut and Wheat – Seedling Wilt and Loose Smut (WP formulation)
- Tomato – Root Wilt (LF formulation).
- Powder - 1.0 kg/acre and 2.5 kg/ha
- Liquid – 1.2 lit / acre and 3 lit / ha
Seed treatment- 5 gm/ml per kg of seeds.
Seedling treatment- 10-20 gm/ml per litre of water or per kg of Greenhouse potting mix
Drip Irrigation- 2.5 kg/ha or 3.0 lit/ha; Mix the product well in the required quantity of water and put it into the drip system.
Sucker &Bulbs- Dip the Sucker and Bulbs in the suspension of 20gm or ml/litre of water and then sow.
Soil application- 2-3 times at 7-10 days intervals at 3 kg or 2.5 lit/ha in 500 kgs of organic fertilizer
Pickup AddressBINDKI, UTTAR PRADESH, 212635
8/23-24, Race Course Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641018
Address of origin8/23-24, Race Course Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641018
Bio Cure-F is a biological fungicide based on a beneficial antagonistic fungus, Trichoderma viride. The product contains the conidial spore and the mycelial fragments at 2 x 106 CFU’s/gm and /ml of product.