Technical Name: Pretilachlore 37% EW
Brand: Syngenta
Mode of Action: Broad-Spectrum Selective Systemic Action Pre-Emergence Herbicide.
- Rifit Syngenta Herbicide (Pretilachlor 50% Ec) Is A Pre-Emergence Selective Herbicide That Belongs to Chloroacetamide Group Herbicide, Which Effectively Controls Most of the Weeds in Rice Crops.
- Pretilachlor Molecule in Rifit Herbicide Is Primarily Absorbed Through Shoots and Secondary Roots of the Target Weeds. It Inhibits Protein Biosynthesis, Resulting in Growth Inhibition, Cell Disruption, And Death of Target Weed.
- Rifit Syngenta Herbicide Effectively Controls Grass, Sedge, And Broadleaf Weeds in Rice Crops.
- Syngenta Rifit Is Recommended at Pre-Emergent (Apply Rifit with 4 Days of Transplantation).
- Rifit (Pretilachlor 50% Ec) Is The Safest Herbicide Recommended for Rice Crops, And It Controls Weed Germination for A Long Time.
- Rifit Herbicide Is Suitable for The Integrated Weed Management (Iwm) Program.
- Like Rifit Syngenta Herbicide Pre-Emergence Herbicide, Post-Emergence Herbicide for Rice Crop Offered by Coromandel Officer.
Recommended Crop: Rice Crop (Paddy).
Target Weeds: Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa Spp.), Jungle Rice (Echinochloa Spp.), Saramollagrass, Rice Sedge, Rice Flatsedge, Grasslike Fimbry, False Daisy, Water Primrose, Pickerelweed, Alligator Weed, Goose Weed, And All Narrow and Broadleaf Weeds.
Recommended Dosage: 500 ML / Acre.
Pickup Address: BINDKI, UTTAR PRADESH, 212635
Syngenta India Ltd Survey No - 110/11/3, Amar Paradigm Near Hotel Sadanand, Baner Road Pune, Maharashtra 411045
Address of origin: Syngenta India Ltd Survey No - 110/11/3, Amar Paradigm Near Hotel Sadanand, Baner Road Pune, Maharashtra 411045