Technical Content: Propineb 70% WP
Syngenta Acoreli Is a Contact and Preventive Fungicide that contains Propineb 70% Wp. Acoreli with Its Special Mode of Action Its Foliar Spray Gives Effective Control of Various Fungal Diseases in Different Plants.
- Acoreli Is Widely Used in Apple Pomegranate Potato Chilli Tomato Grapes Rice Cotton & Other Vegetables and Fruits for The Control of Various Diseases Like Scab Early & Late Blight Dieback, Downy Mildew, Fruit Spots, and Brown, Narrow Leaf Spot.
- It Is both a Contact and Preventive Action as A Result of Its Multi-Site Complex Mode of Action, Acoreli Is Particularly Suited for Use in Spraying Programs to Combat and Prevent the Selection of Resistant Populations of the Fungal Pathogen
- Acoreli Contains Zinc Which Has a positive Effect On the Crop as A Whole and Improves the Immunity of Plants Resulting in Higher Yields and Improvement in Quality.
Crop Recommendation: Wheat and Maize
Dosage: For Domestic Use Take 4 - 6 Grams of Acoreli Per 1 Liter of Water. For Large Applications 600 - 800 Grams Per Acre of Foliar Spray
Pickup Address: BINDKI, UTTAR PRADESH, 212635
Syngenta India Ltd Survey No - 110/11/3, Amar Paradigm Near Hotel Sadanand, Baner Road Pune, Maharashtra 411045
Address of origin: Syngenta India Ltd Survey No - 110/11/3, Amar Paradigm Near Hotel Sadanand, Baner Road Pune, Maharashtra 411045