Technical: Pyriproxyfen 10% EC
Daita is Pyriproxyfen 10% EC
It is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR)
It controls all the stages of Whitefly i.e. Eggs, Nymphs and Adults
It does not allow the hatching of eggs
Daita inhibits metamorphosis of Nymph to Adult
Daita causes sterility in adults. Hence even if Adults are seen in Daita treated plot, they cannot reproduce or damage the crops
Daita can be sprayed at any stage of crop
Daita controls transmission of Leaf Curl Virus (CLCV) by controlling its vector
Daita has translaminar activity, so it even kills the pest present at lower side of the leaves
Complete control can be seen after 4-5 days
Daita controls Sooty mold that is spread by whitefly
It induces greening effect and results in better yield as Pyriproxyfen has excellent Phytotonic Effects
When the population reaches ETL (3-5 Adult per leaf), spray of Daita should be done on the recommended dose
Long residual control
Safe for bees and other beneficial insects
Low toxicity and environment friendly
No effect on pollination or fruit set
Gives best result when applied early: at that time nymphal population is high
Daita is a novel juvenile hormone that mimics and acts by suppressing embryogenesis within the insect egg
It inhibits metamorphosis and adult emergence of target insects
It does not kill adult insects directly but hatching of eggs laid by treated adults will be suppressed
Daita regulates the transition from one developmental stage to another
Daita artificially enhance the JH level preventing progression to adult stage
Daita interferes with the molting hormone and disrupts the normal development of insect
Mix the recommended dose in ¼ of the recommended quantity of water with agitation
Add remaining quantity of water with continuous agitation and spray on the foliage
Spray during early stage of the crop when white fly Population is low. As this time nymphal population will be high on underside of leaf
Best time of application is early morning or late evening
Ensure complete dispersion of the product in water before spraying of the spray solution.
Uniform foliar spray ensuring full coverage
Maintain agitation while spraying to get best results
There should be an interval of at least 10-15 days between the 1st and the 2nd spray
Spray should not be done more than twice in any crop
Wear safety equipment’s such as gloves, aprons, masks, etc.
Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying
Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin
Avoid inhalation the spray mist, fog and vapors
Take bath properly after application
Antidote – No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically
Crop - Cotton, Brinjal, Okra, Chilli
Pests - Whitefly, Jassids, Aphids
Dose - 500 ml/acre
Pickup Address: BHILWARA, RAJASTHAN, 311001
Plot No. 239, 3rd Floor Okhla Phase - 3, Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi 110020
Address of origin: Plot No. 239, 3rd Floor Okhla Phase - 3, Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi 110020