Quartz Gharda Contains Fipronil 80% W/W WG Formulation Contains 800 G Of Fipronil Active Ingredient Per Kg Of Formulation. Quartz Gharda Is Recommended As A Foliar Spray For The Control Of Stem Borer & Leaf Folder In Rice And Thrips In Different Crops
Grapes - Thrips - 40-50 gm
Onion - Thrips - 90 gm
Paddy - Stem Borer - 40-50 gm
Cabbage - Diamond Back Moth - 75 gm
Paddy - Leaf Folder - 40-50 gm
Pickup Address: BINDKI, UTTAR PRADESH, 212635
48, Hill Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050
Address of origin: 48, Hill Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050