- Chemical Composition: Carbosulfan 25% EC
- Dosage: 400 ml/acre or 40 ml/Pump
- Method of Application: Spray
- Spectrum: Rice: Green leafhopper, White plant hopper, Brown planthopper, Gall midge, Stem borer; Chilli: Leaf folder, White aphid
- Compatibility: Compatible with most pesticides
- Frequency of Application: Depends on pest incidence or severity of the disease.
- Applicable Crops: Rice, Chilli
- Extra Description: Marshal’s unique chemistry provides superior control of pests in rice and chili to maximize yield and quality.
- Special Remark: The information offered here is for reference only and depends exclusively on soil type and climatic conditions. Always refer to product labels and accompanying leaflets for complete product details and directions for use.
Pickup Address: MOGA, PUNJAB, 142001
2nd Floor, Tower A,Global Gateway, MG road,Gurugram, Haryana, 122002
Address of origin: 2nd Floor, Tower A,Global Gateway, MG road,Gurugram, Haryana, 122002