Mode of Action:
- Systemic: Absorbed by the plant and translocated in the system.
- Preventive: Prevents disease infection and lesion formation.
- Curative: Roko is very effective in controlling several fungal diseases. Roko shows a very good curative effect against Scabs on Apples & Anthracnose on Grapes.
- Roko is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide and has a unique combination of Preventive, Curative, and Systemic fungicidal properties.
- Perfect solution for Anthracnose, Cercospora leaf spot, Powdery mildew, Venturia scab, Sclerotinia Rot, Botrytis, and Fusarium wilt.
- Enhanced Phytotonic & antifungal effect due to S atom.
- Green: No skin/ eye irritation and low mammalian toxicity.
- Quick and uniformly dissolves in water.
Method of Application:
- Foliar Spray: Spray @ 250 to 500 gm per ha. (0.5 g/lit of water).
- Seed Treatment: @ 2 to 3 gm/kg of Seeds.
- Seedling Dip: Dip the seedlings in Roko suspension @ 1 - 1.5 g/lit. of Water.
- Soil Drench: Drench the soil with Roko @ 2 - 4 g/lit of water (Flower beds/Nurseries).
Pickup Address: New Delhi, DELHI, 110007
Address of origin: