Aries HumiBlack is a Unique Product containing humic acid, sea weed extract, and minerals in gel form. Humic acids are an excellent and organic way to provide plants and soil with a concentrated dose of essential nutrients., vitamins, and trace elements. It increases nutrient uptake and water-holding capacity of the soil improving the overall soil structure. It also stimulates microbial activity and root growth plant health.
Humic acid: 12%
Sea Weed Extract: Q.S.
Doses :
For Spray: use 2.5 gm HUMIBLACK per liter of water.
For Drip Irrigation: Use 1-1.5 kg HUMIBLACK per Acre.
For Drenching: Use 5 gm HUMIBLACK per liter of water.
For Seed Treatment: Use 10-15 gm HUMIBLACK in the required quantity of water & then apply to seeds.
Pickup Address: BINDKI, UTTAR PRADESH, 212635
Aries House, Plot No.24, Deonar, Govandi (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400043
Address of origin: Aries House, Plot No.24, Deonar, Govandi (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400043
Aries HumiBlack is a Unique Product containing humic acid, sea weed extract, and minerals in gel form. Humic acids are an excellent and organic way to provide plants and soil with a concentrated dose of essential nutrients., vitamins, and trace elements. It increases nutrient uptake and water-holding capacity of the soil improving the overall soil structure. It also stimulates microbial activity and root growth plant health.