Barrier (Metribuzin 70% WP) is a combination that is a selective, systemic, and contact herbicide of the Triazinone group, which inhibits the Photosynthesis at Photo-system II. It works for the control of weeds in sugarcane, potato, tomato, soybean, and wheat. It acts through the roots and leaves and therefore, can be used for both pre and post-emergence applications. It controls both narrow and broadleaf weeds.
Barrier is a fungicide of Benzimidazole and Triazole group technology, it's a broad and strong systemic fungicide that has a Phyto-Tonic effect. Lustre interferes in process of building the structure of the fungal cell wall. Finally, it inhibits the reproduction and further growth of fungus.
It works when used as pre-emergence, it is most essential that the soil is cladless and has sufficient moisture (5-10%), as in this case the product acts only through the roots. It acts through the roots and leaves and therefore, can be used for both pre and post-emergence applications.
- It effectively controls Phalaris minor, which has developed resistance to most of herbicides in addition to many other types of grass and broadleaf weeds.
- It is economical because of its broad-spectrum activity and low dose.
- No residual effect on succeeding crops.
Crop | Targeted pest | Dosage per acre |
Sugarcane | Cyperus Rotundus, Cynodon Dactylon, Asphodelus Fistulosis, Checpodium Convolvulus Arvensis, Portulaca Olarracea, Argalis Arvensis, Chichoriumintbus, Echinochloa Colorium, Doctyloctonium Agyptium, Pacherium Hystrophorus, Commelina Spp. | 400 Gm |
Potato | Chenopodium Album, Triantherna Monogyna, Parthenium Hysterophorus, Fumaria Parviflora, Melilctus Spp. Phalaris Minor | 300 Gm |
Tomato | Triantherna Portulacastrum, Dactyloctanium Aagypticulam, Cyanandropsis Pentaphylis, Amaranthus Viridis, Portulaca Oleracea, Digera Arvensis, Euphorbia Frustratea, Echinochloa Colonum, Ageratum Conyzoidas, Eleusina India, Selaria Glauca, Commonlina Benghalensis | 300 Gm |
Soyabean | Digitaria Spp., Cyperus Asculentus, Cyperus Campestris, Borreria Spp., Eragrostis Spp | 300 Gm |
Wheat | Phalaris Minor, Chenopodium Album, Melilotus Spp | 100 Gm |
Pickup Address: Sagar, MADHYA PRADESH, 470002
82, Abhinash Mansion,First Floor, Joshi Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi 110005
Address of origin: 82, Abhinash Mansion,First Floor, Joshi Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi 110005
Barrier (Metribuzin 70% WP) is a combination that is a selective, systemic, and contact herbicide of the Triazinone group, which inhibits the Photosynthesis at Photo-system II. It works for the control of weeds in sugarcane, potato, tomato, soybean, and wheat. It acts through the roots and leaves and therefore, can be used for both pre and post-emergence applications. It controls both narrow and broadleaf weeds.