Technical Name: Fluxapyroxad 33.3%
Systiva offers an effective control of all the major seed-borne and soil-borne diseases like Aspergillus in Groundnut and Black Scurf in Potato which ensures a disease-free start. It provides long-lasting protection thereby ensuring uniform germination & more plant population in Groundnut.
Benefits :
- Disease-free beginning of crop: 1) Protect seeds from soil, seedling diseases & tough weather conditions. 2) Controls aspergillus by giving a great start to the groundnut crop.
- Uniform germination: Xemium systemicity ensures quick penetration in seeds ensuring uniform germination.
- More plants per acre: 1) Maximizes the seedling vigor. 2) Profuse rooting enhances stress tolerance.
Crop And Dosage :
Groundnut = 1 ml/kg seeds
Potato = 6 ml/ 100 kg Seeds
Pickup AddressBINDKI, UTTAR PRADESH, 212635
Plot No.12, TTC Area, Thane Belapur Road, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai 400705
Address of originPlot No.12, TTC Area, Thane Belapur Road, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai 400705